CHINESE sculpture replica: cosmic buddha

Cast concrete replica of the Freer Gallery’s Chinese stone sculpture, the Cosmic Buddha, for the Smithsonian.

Concept Realizations fabricated this two foot-tall replica of the Freer Gallery’s 6th-century Chinese sculpture, Buddha Vairochana with the Realms of Existence, also known as the Cosmic Buddha, one of the museum’s most prized acquisitions.

We used the Smithsonian’s own 3D scan, and 3D printed it in high-resolution SLA. After making a silicone mold, we cast the replica in concrete.

The piece is meant for tactile interaction, allowing blind and low-vision visitors to explore the artifact. The delicate, low relief carvings depict key moments in the life of the Buddha. When touched, cast-in-place bronze contact points activate pre-recorded narration explaining the carvings’ significance.

Our replica will be on permanent display in the Freer Gallery.